What a week! First of all I want to thank you
for your prayers on my behalf. I have felt them so much this week. I
have been raised far above the trials of a mission and have been so
happy. Also, thank you to everyone for the Christmas cards and letters
you sent me. I finally got them this week! I was so touched a shed a lot
of tears. Thank you so much for all your support.
We are trying so hard to find people to teach that we have even started talking to Statues. Sometimes they are more receptive than the people. HAHA :)
we had transfers this Wednesday and I am staying here in Valpo! With
Hermana McKendrick! WOOT! Blessings! I have become more myself this
week. I have been so much happier. I think adjusting is definitely a
process and now I am figuring it out bit by bit. I am blessed to have
Hermana McKendrick again. We have high hopes. Man, she is the coolest. I
am so sad to say goodbye to Hermana Alvarez but luckily she is in the
same church building in the other ward so we still see her. :) The only
bad thing about a mission is saying goodbye. I am no longer the newest
newbee. It helps lift me to lift others and help them know that it gets
easier. I am learning to relax and be me!
this Monday my companion and I were late to meet Hermana Alvarez (we
have been working in both our sectors) and I fell and scraped up my leg.
WOOT for battle wounds! Haha.
I started
teaching piano lessons here to some of the young women! PIANO TEACHER
FOR LIFE! It felt so so wonderful! Except I realized that Good Boys Do
Fine Always doesnt really work in Spanish. HAHA.
I have so many flee bites people think I have an alergic reaction. Its grand. Or something like that. :)
we dont really have any investigators yet. We are seeing miracles with
being led to the people that need us though whether it is members, menos
activos, preparing missionaries, or potential investigators. There are
miracles in every day! It is so so great! I just love this!
realized something this week. When Christ came many did not recognize
Him as the Messiah because they wanted Him to save them from their
government problems. But really He was here for a much greater purpose,
to save us from our sins. We often do this now. We expect HIm to save us
from our financial problems, school struggles, relationships, etc. . .
But He suffered for our sins and pains and affliccions. He will comfort
us in these situations but He does not save us from these things. I hope
we focus on the things that He can help us with instead of what He
choses not to.
Thank you a million! I love
being a missionary! En serio. And Spanish is coming. Slowly but surely. I
love seeing the changes in myself and others that the gospel brings!
Love you all!
Hermana Kelson
Hermana Leah Kelson
4 Norte 1112 Casilla 631
Vina del Mar, Chile
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