Hola Yáll!
What a week! I have grown so much spiritually and physically. Haha. It was such a wonderful week and I am floating.
of all, we had intercambios this week and I was with Hermana De La
Torre from Argentina. She is great and really helped me realize that I
just stinkin need to be myself. :)

This Friday
Elder Texiera from the 70 came and spoke to us. It was one of the most
powerful meetings I have ever ever been in. He gave us the challenge to
teach 21 lessons (investigadores) a week. Wow. That is a high goal but
we are excited to do it! He was very down to earth and so so nice. He
told stories about His time as a mission president in Brazil. I think he
speaks like 5 languages. (yeah, I am glad I dont have to learn more
than 1). He also asked us what we were having trouble with as a mission
in the work and then he, his wife, our President, and his wife all took
turns answering our questions. (like a pannel). HOLY AWESOME! Hermana
Texiera is literally
I want to be like her when I grow up. She said that sometimes we, as
fishers of men, are spending too much time preparing our lines instead
of just going fishing. (refering to a quote from Elder Oaks). She gave
an equation that is A(O+D)= PE. Translated into English it says that
Authority multiplied by prayer and worthiness equals spiritual power.
Yeah, she is so awesome. ¨Dont be afraid to change what you need to
change¨ is one of my favorite quotes from that. I think it aplies to all
of us. We cannot be afraid to change the things that Heavenly Father
wants us to change or we will never progress.

Elder Texiera was very
powerful and very happy. He is a missionary in the flesh. I want to be
more like him. In the end they all (Elder Texiera, Hermana Texiera,
Presidente y Hermana Diaz) all shared their testimonies. It was one of
the most powerful meetings I had ever ever experienced. Our President
never served a mission as a 19 year old missionary. He joined the church
as a youth. He told us about how he baptized his father 2 weeks before
he passed away. The spirit was so so so strong. I was asked to lead the
music in this meeting and the closing hymn was Called to Serve. We sang
it with solemnity and there were very few dry eyes. Elder Texiera asked
us to leave in silence and with the Spirit still with us. We did and it
was incredible. Imagine every youth conference, girls camp, efy, and
whatever else mashed into one with a bunch of missionaries and a member
of the quorum of the 70. Yeah, it was that powerful.

that we have literally been floating. We set another bapismal date with
Nico! A man we met on the street. We are excited. Maria has been
traveling this week so nada. And Liz is stressed out so nada tampoco.
But we are seeing miracles! Especially with less actives. We woke up
early and went to a less active family´s house before church and woke
them up. They came with us. The daughter is 12 and had never been to
young womens. SHE LOVED IT! She came home and asked her mom to buy her
skirts. She felt bad because she didnt know the answers to questions so
she read 2 chapters in the Book of Mormon that afternoon. Wow.
We also had our friend Simonne, a
preparing missionary, accompany us to many many citas this week. She is
already an amazing missionary and a key in so many of our lessons.
PLEASE go out with the missionaries in your wards!!
week as I sat in sacrament meeting from the piano I could see the whole
ward. As I sat there during the sacrament I couldnt help but feel the
greatest happiness I have ever felt. I love this. I truly do. It is so
stinkin hard and there literally hasnt been a single day I have not
cried but I love it. I truly do. I love these PEOPLE!!!
you all for your concern about my dog bite and rabies. I am doing fine.
:) I am healing quickly and have been able to walk every hill this week
which is good. :) (we have climbed SO many hills this week). The rabies
shots still hurt but I am doing fine. :) At least I dont have rabies!!!
That moment when you get a new plunger and have to carry it with you everywhere that day so that you don"t waste time. #proudofmyplunger
Thank you all for your sweet words and love. I love you all! THE CHURCH IS TRUE! I know it with all my heart.
Hermana Leah Kelson
Hermana Leah Kelson
4 Norte 1112 Casilla 631
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